What makes Aurory unique?


Players do not need to invest or make any purchases to play our games. This eliminates a common entry barrier in gaming and will aid us in our path to widespread adoption.

Play Without A Wallet

Players do not need a crypto wallet to try our games. They can connect a Twitter, Discord, Facebook, or Google account to our platform and immediately join the fun.


SyncSpace is a hybrid on-chain and off-chain inventory system we've developed in-house that allows for seamless onboarding of Web2 users through traditional gaming platforms while also allowing for cross-chain interoperability of Aurory assets.

One-Token Economy

Aurory’s ecosystem uses an innovative "main token with an in-game sub-token balancing system". This model is an alternative to the two-token design found in other Web3 games, where the token for game currency and rewards is inflationary. Our system also ensures that price increases of $AURY will not change the accessibility of the game, given that players will always be able to join and play for free.


Thanks to our unique method of distributing $AURY, which is the native utility token of the Aurory ecosystem, we can monitor and maintain optimal control over the distribution of $AURY depending on a multitude of parameters. Thus, unlike typical play-to-earn projects, we know at all times exactly how many tokens will be distributed and can work to avoid hyperinflation. Everything we do is done with long-term vision and sustainability in mind.

The Team

We have an all-star team of over 70 people with varying levels of experience across the blockchain and gaming industries. We are proud to boast that our team collectively has over 400 years of experience working on established AAA game titles.

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