
Stocking up on consumables before you venture out into the Everlasting Lands will help maximize your chances of success. They come in a variety of strengths and can be purchased from the merchant, obtained through events, or acquired from expeditions.

Versatile Consumables

  • Health Potion - Increases your Neftie's health during battles or from your compass in lands.

Battle-Exclusive Consumables

  • Hype Potion - Increases your Neftie’s hype during battles.

Land-Exclusive Consumables

  • Revival Elixer - Revives your Neftie and restores some HP.

In PvE Combat

During the preparation phase, you select a consumable, placing it in an action slot where it remains unconsumed until the resolution phase. The consumable only affects your current Neftie, meaning you can't heal a Neftie on your squad that is not active in battle.


  • Consumable usage during battles is limited.

  • Even if your Neftie’s health is 100%, it will consume the health potion.

In Lands

Access the consumable tab in your compass. Choose a consumable and click "USE." Your current available Nefties will be displayed, with those not matching the consumable being grayed out. To activate the consumable, select one of your available Nefties, then click "Confirm." Upon confirmation, the consumable will be destroyed, exchanging it for its effect.

Note: All your Nefties are automatically revived and healed when you return to the village from an adventure.

Last updated